Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Working with wigglegrams

This is a sample of you can do with wigglegram tool of ModelAN3D Pro version.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

New creation object tool: import from OBJ file

New version of ModelAN3DPro include new creation object tool: import model from OBJ file.
This new tool works as other tools: click to select on icon tool and next click on screen to select the location of the object. New dialog appears:
Step 1: select the obj file. You have to copy the file into directory /modelan3dpro/import before.
Step 2: adjust the scale.
Step 3: select texture file (*.jpg or *.png) from /modelan3dpro/import directory.
Step 4: execute import.

I hope you enjoy this new feature!!!.

Please, send your comments about it!!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Once finished the summer, back to work

Now working on new Wizards (multiple photo visualization like collage) and video mp4 output generation.
Please, report any ideas about wizards to create pre-defined 3d scenes.